Sunday 6 June 2010

Unusual Shell

This shell is about 4 cm big and irregular shape.

It is a pink and white colour in concentric lines.

I found it in the new blowout area on the dunes next to the beach and it might only have been exposed by the wind, eroding the dunes and might be very old.

I only found one shell so not sure if it is a bivalve? There were no bivalves in the book with this pattern or shape.

The only similar thing I can find is something in one of my books on pg 113 - Sea Shells - A Naturalist's and Collector's guide by Peter and Patricia Newell about...
under the Latern Shells and Pandoras boxes (Pandoridae)

"The European t.dissorta lives in crevices (rather like Hiatella arctica) an so has a very irregular shall. Many of the thracias are difficult to identify. The burrowing form establish a mucus lines inhalant and exhalant siphon through the sand which makes a characteristic mark on the surface. "

The only other thing I could find was on page 111 ... which had a basket shell but the shell is stripped in a different way.

On page 104 item 38 (Pholas dactylus - which is found Mediterranean and Europe) there is a shell that is irregular shape but with a pointy top bit and not the same colouring.

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