Sunday 6 June 2010

Little crabs

On the east beach we found some little crabs. In my pocket, two of them went into a bivalve shell. It looks so cute - two little crabs in a shell.

The crabs are different colours and crumble very easily when you move them. Their actual main body is about the size of a finger tip.

The back leg has an unusual end - will look up on crabs about this.......

ok, I think I found something about the back legs of crabs ......

"The crabs that live in the water have paddles on their back legs. This is what makes them able to swim. "

This also looks like a great website for kids !! The website statement is Projects by Students for Students
Over 7,000 websites created by students around the world who have participated in a ThinkQuest Competition. - thats so cool!

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