Saturday, 26 February 2011

Loggerhead turtles have a magnetic sense for longitude

Read all about it here:

*I think that is article caught my eye because it sounds like an interesting bit of info, and then I wondered how they knew this bit of information.  Naturally I assumed that it was a from years of observing animals in nature. 

BUT if you read the end of the article, it turns out these baby turtles are being kept in an artifical "cage" with artificial magnetic field and attached to rotating arm. 

This is just pure experimentin on animals / animal testing and its not right, not matter what they reveal or discover.  Experiments on animals are not right. 

What happens to these turtles when their experiments are over, as the babies just hatched so they never lived in the wild.  How do they attach them to the rotating arm.  Its all just not right. 

The other question is WHY do they want to find out about turtles - is it for a good or bad cause. Is it so they can conserve turtles and help prevent them getting tangled in fishing nets?  Or is it to help build better submarines etc. 

Why do people want to understand nature ?  So they can enjoy the magnificence of nature and creation or so they can take it apart or use it to make superior weapons etc.

Makes you wonder.  This article made me feel ill!

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