Friday 8 October 2010

The far north beach

A Sunny late autumn afternoon!!!

This afternoon was the first decent weather the whole week! At least for a couple of hours this afternoon. So we went for a "humungous" long walk on the far north beach, which is a forever beach.

Its really wide when the tide is out, like when we started and almost non existant at high tide which was very dodgy when we came back.

Not been on that beach at full high tide. I got water in the top of my wellies at one point on the way back and it was horrible. My boots were full of sloshy cold water and my socks got wet. It was still about an hour to walk back from there but too cold to take off my boots :(

Still we found loads of things.

The first was a pile of cockle shells which some tourists must have collected and them left near the carpark just off the beach. It was quite unusual too see a pile of shells on the long green grass off the shore.
These were 2 piece of natural sponge all left to dry off the beach.

The most horrible was the place we got really wet at on the way back. People had dumped loads of old cars on the beach years ago and a bad storm with high winds has uncovered them. The mess is real eyesore on a very beautiful long white beach. Its just after a round corner in the beach so it just suddenly comes into view. YUK!!!!!!!

and right opposite - this awesome beach! You just can't believe it. Its gross!

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