Monday 27 September 2010

Yesterdays finds

Some more photos from yesterdays finds.

We did not take our camera as the weather was a bit too wintery and we thought we would not be out long. So we took photos with my dads mobile phone.

Turned out we went for long walks on two beaches and found a few things, including a jelly fish I have not seen before.

Jelly Fish

There are not a lot of mussels. Especially not this size.
Some tiny ones in other places.
We found some under the main pier the other evening.
Big clusters of big barnacled ones. Must go take photos there.
Some of our find.

A really big crab that was washed up dead on the pebble beach.
There were about 40 washed up dead and smelling really bad.
All big ones, but this was the biggest.

This is a dead bird that was high up on the beach.
A casualty of the high storm winds ?
There was no visible damage and it was newly dead.

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