Saturday 25 September 2010

Huge Starfish

We saw a huge starfish near the pier this evening. It was +5Ocm and had 5 arms. Peach colour.

* the weather was very dull and the water was not very clear.

The scallop shells near the starfish are really big ones!

There were also a few large crates jam packed with live crabs. Obviously keeping them in storage for a few days. They were under the water but clearly far to overcrowded even for a short time :(

On the other side of the pier some distance away, there was a crab fisherman sorting his catch. He had about 30 crates full of smaller crabs (they were screaming). Some of them were frantic and were leaping out of the crates and crashing to the floor.

There is so much wastage. We saw him toss about 40 dead crabs back into the water around the pier just for the short time we were there.

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